Web to Field 2

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Web to Field 2

Organization: IPM Europe
Group Type: Methods Oriented
Web: http://www.ipmeurope.org/pages/web-2.htm


ntegration of PAN Germany's Online Information Service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics, OISAT Info, into Training and Extension Services Purpose [*] to prepare the large-scale dissemination of PAN Germany's Online Information Service for Non-Chemical Pest Management, OISAT Info, among agricultural training and extension networks in developing countries, using the experience of pilot activities in Kenya [*] to field-test, through the pilot activities, the OISAT dissemination strategy and the conditions for the adoption of the non-chemical pest management practices presented in OISAT Info by poor farmers, illiterate farmers and women farmers, [*] to understand, as a result of the pilot activities, the principles and methodology of integrating OISAT Info into training and extension networks and apply them by large networks. Objectives [*] Key factors for an efficient and effective integration of OISAT Info into agricultural training and extension networks in developing countries are identified through pilot testing; [*] Partnership platforms for the large-scale dissemination of OISAT Info are designed through the collaborative approach of the pilot projects and the development of other strategic partnerships with organisations or agencies with significant outreach; [*] A large-scale dissemination strategy is formulated, based on the identified key factors, with strategic agricultural training and extension networks; [*] OISAT Info is expanded through the inclusion of more information as formulated by the participants of the workshop "From Web to Field" in Kenya. Strategy OISAT Info is a platform for information dissemination and information sharing and the integration of its online information into training and extension services by collaborating with relevant networks, to ensure an effective and efficient information flow from the web to the field. For an effective outreach, OSIAT PartnerNetwork aims at collaborating with training and extension networks and carefully identified information platforms. The strengthening of OISAT Info, the awareness of the benefit of OISAT Info among relevant development agencies and a profound understanding of the factors determining the successful integration of OISAT Info into the training and extension services during the pilot activities of this project, shall lead to a subsequent large-scale outreach programme of OISAT PartnerNetwork. The learning process on the successful integration of OISAT Info into training and extension services will be undertaken collaboratively with the partners in Kenya. For the outreach phase, collaboration is particularly envisaged with training and extension networks, which is expected to create an effective and efficient access to OISAT Info for farmers.